Inspired by countless conversations Kara and I have had about our futures, and what we want to do with them, I have come up with an official LIST.
** side note. I can imagine those of you who know me the best are laughing right now… imagine that! a list! by K! hehehe…**
Anyway, attached is my master list of things that I want to accomplish or experience sooner rather than later. I’m going to make a permanent link on the side of the blog in a bit, and I’ll date the tasks as I accomplish them so you can follow along with my progress.
What’s on your list?
1. Plan a fabulous event
2. Travel to Rome
3. See NYC
4. Move to TN
5. Graduate from college
6. Plan an annual trip for the girls
7. Take a pro picture of my parents
8. Take a pro picture of my grandparents
9. Have $0 in credit card debt
10. Take a class for fun
11. Learn Dream Weaver
12. Get back down to last year’s weight
13. Get senior pictures taken of me
14. Visit at least 10 more US states
15. Visit Kara at her Air Force base in D.C.
16. Visit Caroline in Colorado (?)
17. Go on a Mediterranean cruise
18. Vote in the 2008 Presidential election
19. Get a job post-graduation in my field (marketing!)
20. Start saving for retirement – start a Roth IRA
21. Photograph something for fun (model, kids, a couple?)
22. Throw a dinner party with B
23. Paint and decorate a house or apt
24. Run a 5K race
25. Donate $$ to a good cause
26. Buy a power suit and rock out an interview
27. Give some $ to my brothers for college
28. Invest in the stock market
29. Learn to do some house work (basic wiring, tile, re-varnish wood?)
30. Backpack in Europe