Monday, November 17, 2008


Got home from Detroit safe today. :) Winter is definitely here... driving was not much fun. Lots of slush and snow!

I had a great weekend! Friday was my interview with Chase, and (trying not to jinx myself) I think it went really, really well. I will be returning a call to the HR recruiter tomorrow, so I will keep everyone posted! The interview was a group event... and I was the most talkative one out of the group! I was surprised, I'm not always the person that initiates most of the conversation. I am very anxious to hear from them. YAY.

It feels like everything is falling into place (again, really trying not to jinx myself). I am very, very ready to move and start this new part of my life. Its all very exciting.

I feel like a lot of things are changing, moving, shifting... For one, for the first time in my life I won't be a student anymore! Also: new surroundings, new people, job... Again, YAY.

Everyone cross your fingers for me!

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