Saturday, November 1, 2008


ahhh, the life. I've been lounging on the couch, computer in lap pretty much all morning. It's been glorious. If I were brave I'd take a picture, but I won't subject myself to that kind of embarrassment... B's HUGE sweatpants and a FLANNEL shirt. Classy.

Too bad I actually have to get up and go to work in a few.

Anyway, the big news of the weekend: I got to talk to B!!!!!! for a solid 30 minutes + 10 min + another 5 min. It felt soo good. I didn't even recognize his voice at first, he has a respiratory infection... which can't be good for the cold mountain phase he is starting today. Hopefully he does alright. He is doing okay, mostly just exhausted. He actually fell asleep on the phone talking to me the second time. :-) hehehe..

I tried to reorganize my life today... I have every day planned until I graduate. 1 month, 11 days! Woot woot!

I've been feeling content lately. Not overly excited or happy - but not sad or even blah either. Just content.

Anyway, this was a rather boring post. I apologize :-) But the dog just farted, and I need to go "bring home the bacon" as B would say...

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