Sunday, April 26, 2009

Another "DIY" project

So as I mentioned before, I'm trying to make my wedding day thoughtful and budget friendly. A homemade project that I'm working on now are these organza flowers (photo above, but mine are silver not pink/purple). They are very easy to make - just sewing together layers of flower shaped organza with beads in the middle but MAN are these time consuming! Very tedius for my lack of sewing skills. I have 6 so far, but I'm planning on using them for the kitchen girls & ladies so I need a lot more. I'm hoping people will be able to reuse the flower by pinning it to a purse or coat, or maybe using it as a hair accesory afterwords. And, I'm saving money. Booyah.

Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel

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