While I'm editing, I always fall in love with more images that I didn't notice in my first look-through. I'm going to post a few more favorites from a couple of my past sessions over the next few days...
I found these while digging through my hard drive... they were taken in my beautiful hometown in the Upper Peninsula of MI one sunny afternoon. I thought I would share a couple.
I finally got to use my new 50D after getting it in the mail a few days ago, along with my fab new camera bag (*ahem* thank you Heidi)! I was very happy with the results... it seems to do a little better with highlights than my last camera. All in all though, a camera is just the tool to take the photographs. Great images are mostly from the genuine emotion, beautiful lighting, ...and having gorgeous subjects doesn't hurt either. ;-)
I really, really have the best clients. I had so much fun photographing this family:
The seniors who are senior representatives for KAYE photo here in Clarksville, TN will be handing out these gorgeous little cards to their friends... I can't wait to get these in the mail, I just ordered them tonight!
(I purposely kept the photos small to give you a sense of the actual size)
The following is my husband's *most* favorite part of me owning a business (wink, wink). He thinks I'm a HUGE dork. This may be true... but you can't pass up an opportunity to advertise, right? Ha!
He likes it even better when I stick this on his car. ;-)
PS These were taken on my Droid. Not bad for a camera phone!
Introducing... my first senior represenative of the year, Sarah! This girl made my job ridiculously easy. So gorgeous. We did the "city" part of her senior session this past weekend, and the "country" part is yet to come - I am super excited to work with this girl more.
What is a senior rep, you may ask? I am taking 2011 on an *extremely* limited basis from the different high schools in the area on as reps, to spread the word about KAYE photo. If you are a senior this year and interested, click here.
I am so excited to show off this morning's session with Bethany and her girls. This was an OpLove session - I know their dad is going to LOVE his album of all of the beautiful ladies in his life. Chasing around all of these gorgeous kiddos makes me want one. ...Someday. ;-)
I am so happy to have such sweet & wonderful clients.
Amie and Bryan are a complete JOY to be around. They have an obvious zest for life, and love sharing it with each other. They were a great reminder to me that your attitute towards life really makes your life, and your love. They have been married for 4 years, and didn't have any great pro portraits of them together. It was my pleasure to photograph them having fun and loving on each other!
I'm not sure exactly why I love this one so much. It reminds me how much military couples need to lean on each other during times like a deployment.
I had the pleasure of photographing this family on Sunday for an OpLove session. Seriously, are they not one of the most photogenic families you've ever seen? I thought so. Kim & Dan still look like two teenagers in love. I love that!
I've been hanging on to these images for a while now, not really sure what I wanted to do with them. They are photos (of photos) from a collection that my late great-grandma collected. The people in the images, though I'm not sure who many of them are, are family and family friends from years ago. I'd like to share a few of them that caught my eye, because they reminded me how important photographs are for a family record. Beautiful nastolgia.
I *think* this one is my Nana when she was a little girl:
Looks like somebody spooked the baby: :-)
The following are old photographs from where I grew up... the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan: