Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Flowers/a little project

I've been going back and forth about if/how much to do myself for the flowers. I think the conclusion I've come to is to do the small flower projects myself (boutonierres, maybe corsages, pew buckets, bud vases) and to enlist the pros for the bouquets and alter arrangements.

While sitting in Clarksville waiting for my B to get home from work, after a trip to the craft store, I came up with these for the boys:

The supplies, courtesy of Hobby Lobby:

Wrapped up:

Final product!

A group of them:

ETA: These bad boys costed less than $1.50/ea to make! NOT BAD!

1 comment:

Amanda Kay said...

Hi Kaye - found your blog through Leah's. You have some pretty fun ideas for your wedding! Love the originality! And wedding tabs run up REALLY fast!!!! I would have loved a fancy shpancy wedding, but money is always a factor. My sister wanted to use feathers in her wedding but never actually happened - cool to see it. Happy planning!!