I talked to another HR recruiter today... This time for JPMorgan Chase's management development program. And... I got another interview! Yay!! This one will be on Nov 14th, downstate. Hopefully J doesn't mind if I crash at "home" again ;) inside joke. Anyway, moving on...
B's not going to know what hit him! The next time I see him I'll be a bonafide college graduate with a CAREER (crossing my fingers).
Soon I'll be living the high life... Driving around an escalade, buying a house, wearing designer threads.... Um. Well kind of. As in still driving my malibu, renting with roomates, and shopping at Plato's Closet. TOTALLY the same thing! At least it will be all mine: the big girl job, starting my adult life.
Speaking of being an adult, since I haven't tricked any millionaires into being my sugar daddy, I have to sign up for my own health insurance in about a month. BC/BS has a good bare bones "young adult" coverage plan that I'll probably go for. What happened to the good old days where you got married at 18 and didn't have to worry about these kinds of things? Sheesh.
I'm feeling a little fiesty today, can you tell? :-)
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This whole being grown-up stuff is SO overrated! Love that you got another interview, and glad to see you back and blogging! Missed getting a daily dose of kaye! We gotta get together soon! Love ya! -kate
hey..well if ur gonna be all rich and rolling around in escalades and designer clothes..welp im even that much more excited for u to move down here cause im gonna be a major leech!!! haha JK! but no thats awesome and of course as i already told u..u are more then welcome to stay at ur home down here : )Love U! *jen*
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